We had a little party in the morning with 7 of his buddies over for some playing and some party food. Sadly, Mil wasn't on top form and was feeling a bit out of sorts, but muddled his way through. That's him amongst the balloons waiting for his guests to arrive.

Then after his nap, Mil was sick and spent the rest of the day in front of the fire in his pyjamas doing jigsaws.
Two years. Gosh.
Happy Birthday to MIL. Best way to be ill is infront of the fire with TV and mum so hope he had a good day anyway! xxx
oh happy birthdayn little man, get well soon!
a little late, but anyway... a very happy birthday! may he have a lovely, playful, healthy third year of his life! may he learn only pleasant lessons and may you learn with him!
Still , at least he wasn't sick over a guest .The bags are lovely , such a nice idea . And a Happy ( belated ) Birthday to Mil .
AAAwww, Happy Birthday Mil! I hope he is feeling better. You have made such a wonderful giveaways (love the start motif made with star fabric!!!). I bet they were really happy!
Belated birthday greetings to Mil
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