So, it has been a little while since my last blog. It is hard to find the time to do all you want in life isn't it?! I wonder and marvel at those who manage to stay abreast of all their commitments, and still find the time to relax.
We having been haring about being busy as usual the last week or so. We had a wedding where the skeleton suit was much admired and appreciated, and at which I had the slightly nerve-wracking responsibility of taking the official photos. It was actually all very relaxed and the most terror inducing part for me was having 150 people watch me clamber (in a most unladylike manner) out of a tree in full wedding garb. Imagine hanging over a branch with bum in the air and legs kicking and you'll understand.
But, there has been some crafting too! - Warning! The next picture is ofsomething that I did NOT make.

For the said wedding couple I thought a handmade gift was appropriate. There was a bit of a theme to the invites, being lemon (for her) and chili (for him). So I thought a shopping bag that they could both use appliqued in that vain. I have a lovely orange bag that I picked up in a charity shop an age ago (see above), which I have recently been using as my hand bag. It has a lovely shape and feel, so i thought a same but larger would be good.

This is the end result. It wasn't a total success, with the tension on my sewing machine going all screwy at the end, and I don't like the base of the bag being a different fabric. I thought a more hard-wearing fabric on the base would be good, but I don't think it works - there is too much colour variation. However, I am pleased with the applique and it is the first time I have made my own pattern, so it can't be all bad!

I am enjoying the patchwork. It is very therapeutic. Much more so than I had imagined. I think this is partly to do with the fact that you don't, thus far, need very much space, and you can do it in snippets of time too. Perfect for someone who doesn't have much of either, time or space!

I'd like to finish of with a pic of this lovely piece of fabric I picked up for 50p in a charity shop last week. I was initially thinking of it for the endless bunting project, but I think it is far too good for that. As it has a lovely soft crepey feel I think it needs to be used for a more tactile end. Any suggestions on what I should make with it?
Oh my the quilting looks all very professional! Lovely fabric find! Don't ask me - I have stacks and stacks of the lovely stuff and I just can't ever decide what to do with it! Hey ho. Just have to buy some more whilst I'm thinking! t.x
I want to do the class at Millie Moon! We were very excited to see our bag which we love a lot!
Millie Moon? My friend has told me all about that gorgeous shop, and of course, that means that I've discovered their website!
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